Photos taken in June 2004.
The Oregon Chateau Guest Rooms:
The Chateau doubles as a museum due to both it's historic structure and historic furniture. Generally day guests are permitted to walk through all public areas of the Chateau to look a the architecture and furniture.
1st Floor:
Room 101.
The walls and ceilings in all rooms when these photos were taken are the original fiberboard with beveled edges. (The glossy stain on the walls is not original, it was added later as a fire prevention measure.) These photos are from June 2004. When the Chateau is remodeled sometime post 2018, the original walls will be replaced with fire-resistant drywall, surfaced to mimic the appearance of the original stained fiberboard.
Room 102.
Most of the furniture in the rooms is genuine Monterey furniture.
Room 102.
Room 103.
Room 103.
If you are looking close at the photos you may have noticed that there are a couple of items that almost every hotel has that are missing from these rooms. There are no televisions or phones in the guest rooms at the Chateau. Staying at the Chateau is much the same today as it was back when it was built.
Continue to next page for the 2nd floor rooms...